The Swiss Risk Associaton is an open forum for knowledge transfer. Our website is your gateway to register for events, browse through valuable content and stay up-to-date. We have completely redesigned our website to offer you a stable and user-friendly experience.

  1. The website is smart and offers you a personal experience: when you are logged in as member you will see different content, then when you are just visiting.
  2. The simple design allows a smooth user-experience  – you can register for an event with a few simple clicks on events.
  3. You can browse through content and presentations of past events easily by visiting past events.
  4. You will find categorized content of a topic or chapter at once by visiting any chapter page.
  5. In your tickets cart you can easily see an overview of all events you registered for.
  6. We have built a news section for you to inform about risk management and financial engineering.

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Corporate Packages Overview

New packages 2024 now available: We offer various corporate packages tailored to the specific needs of your company. Join the exclusive community, gain valuable insights and profit from networking options.

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