The presenters will explore the following questions:
– What is the current risk environment and how does it differ from the past few years?
– What does this mean for pension fund risk managers? Does the traditional approach need to be updated? Is staying within BVV2 limits sufficient?
– How can alternative investments and more complex products be integrated into the risk management process?
Raphael Joos: former Chief Risk Officer in Pension Fund of Credit Suisse
Stephan Meschenmoser:Â Managing Director at BlackRock
Chapter Event
In our chapter events – access for members only – we present one or more speakers to share knowledge, updates and best practises on a specific risk topic. In small groups of risk professionals you can exchange thoughts and test ideas. More on SRA chapters. This event is hosted by the chapter Regulatory Developments.
Chapter Event: Risk Management in Times of Higher Uncertainty - Best practices for Pension Funds
24. September 2018
18:00 - 19:30
Venue: CS Forum St. Peter