Florian Liebe

Florim Amidi

Florian Liebe EY
Florim Amidi Allianz Trade Reinsurance
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In this event, you will gain valuable insights into how credit risk differs across industries, with a particular focus on insurance. Florian Liebe will explain how credit risk is measured and managed in the insurance sector on the assets side, emphasizing the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) and other regulatory frameworks. Florim Amidi will focus on Trade Credit Risk from a liability perspective and highlight its key specificities and distinctions with banking.

 Throughout the session, you will learn:

  • Key differences in credit risk management between banks and insurers.
  • Effective strategies to handle credit risk.
  • The tools and methodologies used to assess and mitigate credit risk.


  • Florian Liebe – Risk and Actuarial Partner at EY
    Florian is an actuary with over 20 years of experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry. He leads the actuarial team of EY and focuses on audit and consulting projects around technical reserves, capital modelling and risk topics in the Swiss market. He is a qualified actuary in Germany (DAV) and Switzerland (SAV).
    Prior to joining EY 16 years ago, he worked for a reinsurance company in Germany and Switzerland.
  • Florim Amidi – Chief Risk Officer Allianz Trade Reinsurance
    Florim has 18+ years’ experience in credit risk across banking and insurance. He is the Chief Risk Officer of the reinsurance entity of Allianz Trade (Euler Hermes Reinsurance AG) and member of the Executive Board. He joined Allianz Trade Group in Paris in 2012 from the banking sector and was Deputy CRO before moving to Switzerland in 2022. Florim holds an economics degree from the University of Namur (Belgium).

Introduction by Enrico Piotto, Board Member Swiss Risk Association and CRO and member of the Executive Board at EFG Bank.


17:45 Doors open – Registration
18:00 Welcome and Introduction (Enrico Piotto)
18:05 Credit Risk Modelling for Insurers (Florian Liebe)
18:30 Trade Credit Risk: How different is it? (Florim Amidi)
18:55 Q&A (All)
19:15 Networking Drinks
20:15 End

Chapter Event

This Chapter Event is available to members and free. We will be presenting one or more speakers to share their knowledge, updates and best practices on a specific risk topic. Within the small groups of risk professionals you can exchange thoughts and test ideas. This event is hosted by chapter Credit Risk.

  • Credit Risk Through the Insurance Lens
     26. November 2024
     18:00 - 20:15


Impact Hub Zürich Viadukt, Viaduktstrasse 93, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

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