Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler

Arthur Rutishauser

Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler University of Basel
Arthur Rutishauser SonntagsZeitung
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A comprehensive discussion on the Credit Suisse collapse. Now that the PUK has completed its work and after much research and discussion by many experts, it is time to summarize what went wrong, who is responsible and how we can reduce future risks.


  • Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler, Professor at the University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler is a professor of economics and deals with issues of financial market regulation and monetary policy. In one of his recent role as president of the “Expert Group on Bank Stability” he was tasked by the Swiss Finance Minister to investigate the need for reform of the too big to fail regime after the merger of Credit Suisse and UBS. He is a member of the Investment Committee of the Manor Pension Fund and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Max Geldner Foundation, a charitable foundation. He has been a full professor at the University of Basel since 2005 and was Dean of the Faculty of Economics from 2013 to 2016. From 2012 to 2019 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Markets Supervisory Authority FINMA.

  • Arthur Rutishauser, Editor-in-Chief of the SonntagsZeitung

Arthur studied economics in Lausanne and Zurich and has been the Editor-in-Chief of Tages-Anzeiger and SonntagsZeitung since January 2016. Recently, he has taken on the dual role of Editor-in-Chief for the Tamedia newsroom in German-speaking Switzerland and for SonntagsZeitung. With a career spanning several prominent leadership roles in journalism, he has earned accolades for his impactful reporting, including the Zurich Journalism Prize for his compelling coverage of Swissair’s downfall. His passion for storytelling and his commitment to excellence continue to shape the Swiss media landscape. He has summarized the Credit Suisse story in a book called “Game Over,” and a movie project which both are planned to be published on March 19.


18:30 Welcome cocktail
19:15 Take seat at dinner table
19:30 Welcome speech (5min) by Bruno Meyer
19:40 Appetizers
20:00 Short keynote speeches followed by a discussion  (40min)
20:40 Main Course and Dessert
21:30 End of event

About CRO circle

The CRO Circle institutionalizes the need to debate thoughts and ideas with your C- and Board level colleagues informally. It helps you to identify risk topics that you didn’t think of yet. It provides you with very exclusive networking opportunities and surely new friendships. The “CRO Circle” targets the most senior risk managers, the leaders who are responsible to identify and manage the risk for a company comprehensively. A CRO Circle seat is available as a part of our Corporate Packages.

  • CRO Circle Dinner - The Collapse of Credit Suisse
     31. March 2025
     18:30 - 21:30


Zunfthaus zur Saffran, Limmatquai 54, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

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