Dr. Max Weber

Prof. Dr. David N. Bresch

Marco Tormen

Dr. Max Weber EY Germany FSO Consulting Partner and EY EMEIA Climate Change Risk Pillar Lead
Prof. Dr. David N. Bresch Professor for Weather and Climate Risks, ETH Zurich/MeteoSwiss
Marco Tormen Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance, WWF Switzerland
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The pressure from clients, shareholders, employees and regulators is increasing: Financial institutions need to integrate climate and biodiversity risks in their risk appetite setting. How to do this in a meaningful way is still evolving. Our expert speakers from EY, ETH and WWF will share their insights and answer the following questions:

  • How do climate & biodiversity risk affect the exposure to risk in financial institutions?
  • How does this differ between different types of financial institution (bank, insurance company, asset manager, pension fund)?
  • How do financial institutions currently integrate climate & biodiversity risks in their risk appetite?
  • What more can / should be done?


Dr. Max Weber: EY Germany FSO Consulting Partner and EY EMEIA Climate Change Risk Pillar Lead
Prof. Dr. David N. Bresch: Professor for Weather and Climate Risks, ETH Zurich/MeteoSwiss
Marco Tormen: Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance, WWF Switzerland

Chapter event

In our chapter events – access for members only – we present one or more speakers to share knowledge, updates and best practises on a specific risk topic. In small groups of risk professionals you can exchange thoughts and test ideas. More on SRA chapters. This event is hosted by the chapter Risk Appetite

  • How to integrate climate and biodiversity risks in financial risk appetite
     16. December 2020
     18:00 - 19:30


Join: https://swiss-risk.zoom.us/j/92748074119?pwd=am9SUEJERzNCd0lMYUliK2NVZExIUT09, Meeting ID: 927 4807 4119, Password: 896589, Switzerland

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