Update Coronavirus: Until June we will allow public access for all chapter events (usually for members only). However the slides and replay video will be available for members only.
To watch the replay video or see the slides please login (member only).
Dr. Tobias Setz has examined modern data-driven analysis and analytical methods in protecting against adverse market movements, a topic that has become increasingly relevant in light of the Covid 19 market turbulence. What is the role that machine learning can play in this regard? Where does “measurement” end and “judgment” begin? Join us for a probing and critical discussion at the heart of the topic: “risk analytics and models”.
This is Part I of a two-part series. Members are invited to also join Part II, to be held in the early fall, which will build on this event and focus on practical aspects of downside risk protection.
We are planning a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute question and answer session. This event is in english. Please register for this event, so we can plan accordingly.
Dr. Tobias Setz: CTO OpenMetrics Solutions LLC
Web Conference – before you join
In order to make the most of this conference we kindly ask you to:
- Make sure you have a reliable internet connection
- Find a quiet space (if possible) and use your headphones
- Be ready 5-10min before and test your microphone and your camera before you start
- Mute your microphone when not speaking
- Use the chat for questions, we will direct the questions to the moderator to be answered during Q&A
Chapter Event
In our chapter events – access for members only – we present one or more speakers to share knowledge, updates and best practises on a specific risk topic. In small groups of risk professionals you can exchange thoughts and test ideas. More on SRA chapters. This event is hosted by the chapter Risk Analytics and Models.
Downside Risk Protection
6. May 2020
18:00 - 19:00