Our Mission

We believe that the financial marketplace in Switzerland does and will make a significant contribution to best practices in international risk management. We provide an open forum for risk management.

Our Mission is to strengthen Switzerland’s standing as a center of expertise in risk management. The Swiss Risk Association aims to enforce the network and enable an exchange among risk experts:

  • Creating a networking platform
  • Sharing knowledge and information about risk
  • Organizing Events


Board of Directors (BoD)

The Board of Directors (BoD) is responsible for the strategy and represents the association externally. The Board members determine the yearly budget and the membership fees. They handle appeals of membership revocation and membership requests. Most of the Board Members also chair a risk chapter.

Executive Committee (ExCo)

The Executive Committee (ExCo) meets once a month to decide on key operational topics: new sponsors, interfaces for sponsors, keynote speakers for Flagship events and Swiss Risk Dinners. They also approve the event calendar proposed by the CEO.

Chapter Teams

The Chapter Teams manage content and agenda of the chapter events. Each chapter team plans 2-3 yearly chapter meetings, accessibe for members only.  Each chapter is chaired by a board member and can be co-chaired by a main sponsor. SRA sponsors and other experts can contribute to the topics in different roles within the chapter team.

Role Responsibilites
Chair selects the chapter team, is responsible for content and agenda, and approves before information before it is published on the internet
Co-Chair deputy and joint Chair partner, a potential role for main sponsors
Chapter Manager responsible for the operational planning of the chapter meetings
Advisory advises the Chair on speakers, content and agenda

Office of the Secretary and CEO

The Office of the Secretary (Secretariat) handles the daily operations of the association: event organization, member and ticketing support, management of webpage and social platforms, marketing, sponsoring and accounting. The office is led by the CEO.

Risk Award Committee

The Risk Award Committee launched the Swiss Risk Award in 2017 and the first selection of nominees is also made by the committee. Learn more about the Swiss Risk Award, the prize, the criteria and the committee here.

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