Despite legal and regulatory obligations, many boards of directors struggle with their role in systematic risk management. Their contribution and response to incidents, e.g. cyber-extortion cases with far-reaching consequences, is hesitant. Rather than acting as true role models, guiding and monitoring their organisation’s risk posture and supporting incident response through consistent and timely board-level decisions, boards tend to delegate oversight and control to CROs and CISOs. Some even prefer not be get involved beyond statutory reporting.
In this event you will learn:
👉How an appropriate delegation of tasks and responsibilities may be structured
👉What preventive measures and decisions your board members should consider
👉What “role model” behavior you should expect from the board of directors
Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Lubich, board member at Infoguard AG, Bedag AG and Ad Vantis Innovation AG, strategy consultant, columnist at, speaker and lecturer.
Hannes Lubich has worked as a strategy consultant in the areas of IT service management, IT security and risk management for more than 35 years. Prior to his professorship at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, he was Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Bank Julius Baer, and headed the security practices at Computer Associates, and British Telecom.
Swiss Risk Dinner
Networking dinner with short speech and Q&A. Included are networking drinks, 3-course-dinner and beverages. Pricing: Public CHF 150.- or Member CHF 110.-.
18:00 Arriving and networking cocktail
18:30 Welcome and appetizers
19:00 Introduction and Keynote speech
19:30 Questions & Answers
19:45 Main course served, networking
21:00 End
Risk Management – How to Keep Your Board Members Awake at Night
10. July 2023
18:00 - 21:00
Venue: La Bottega di Mario